The last time I blogged was July 5! Oops, I guess I can blame writers block, but really it was laziness. Since July 5th not much has happened. Codi and Linsey spend a few weeks at their mom's house which allowed me some special alone time with Rich and Mia. I always cherish my alone time, but it's weird. The house is quiet, which is great, the kids don't argue, which is great, the food is cheaper, which is great, the laundry is less, which is great......but we get bored. All that noise, and food, and laundry is what makes us, US!
Today the kids went back to school.
Today the kids went back to school.
Right now I'm going crazy. I'm so bored. I can't wait until sending the kids to school, and me being home alone becomes normal again. All I can think about is, What is Rich doing right now? I sent him to 7th grade. I feel like I sent him into a pack of wolves! When I dropped him and Codi off I cried. I did the same thing last year when Codi started 7th grade. Why is it so hard for me to send my kids to 7th grade?
Now my little Mia.......1st grade! She was so happy to get back to school. She was nervous last night. She didn't know how it would be to sit in a desk with no circle time. She was afraid the 2nd graders in her class would be mean to the 1st graders. But when we got to her class, as I was taking her picture the recess bell rang. She said "Hurry, take the picture. I want to go play" I barely got a good bye kiss. She ran off, and never missed a beat. It's like the summer never happened.
She has grown into the greatest person ever. I love to hang out with her. I love to talk with her about stuff. She is so in tune with life around her, and her understanding level is so great! She has a kind heart, and a free spirit. She is one of the most secure people I know she loves her long hair and it's red color, she loves her freckles, and she loves her fair skin (she says it's pink). I hope she stays this way forever. I can't wait to hear about her day. I bet I will get details unlike Rich. He will say "good" that's it!
She's so cute!
So it's 1:30, and I'm bored. I keep thinking about the kids. I can't seem to get anything done today. I have a few loads of laundry and some picking up, but I'd rather sit here and drive myself crazy, I guess.
I'll do all that stuff later.................
Good luck kids on your first day of school. I hope it goes great for you because it's traumatizing your mother!!!
Codi, 8th grade
Rich, 7th grade
Linsey, 4th grade
Mia, 1st grade