In March Shannon was offered a new job, and a new career path. Something our family has prayed about for the last 8 years (our entire marriage). This new opportunity, little did we know, would really change our lives. Shannon's income would be cut in half. We really struggled with this change because we are raising four kids, and we had a hard enough time financially already. But we put all of our trust in the Lord. We also decided that we should start tithing regularly. Tithing is something that we always felt like we needed to do, but giving that money away, and not spending it on ourselvs was such a hard thing. However, this tithe was our way of telling the Lord that we trust him, and we have faith that he will provide for our family. And, oh my goodness has the Lord provided!
We are raising a family of 6, paying a rediculiously large mortgage, feeding our family, paying every bill ON TIME, sending our kids to summer camp, and taking family vacations! We are doing all of this on......wait for it.......$13.50 an hour, with no over time pay. (praying for the overtime to kick in soon, but Shannon's program is still too new to be able to afford paying over time)
Can you believe that! That is nearly minimun wage. How incredible and awesome is our God, that he has made it work. This is unheard of!
Now, that income isn't paying for everything, but the opportunities that are being laid down in front of our family is amazing. The Lord is providing for our children, and for Shannon and I.
I was really afraid that our children would suffer from this paycut the most. Shannon and I can go without financial perks, and understand, but when you tell a child that they can't get new school clothes, can't play sports becasue we can't afford the team fee or equipment, or that we have to stay in the house all summer and that we can't go anywhere because we can't afford that hurts. There is nothing that a mother hates more than to dissapoint her children.
But, once again the Lord provides. Below is a list of the things our children have done this summer:
We have many friends with swimming pools and they allow us to come over and swim whenever we want
The church has a scholarship fund that paid for Mission Springs Summer Camp
Free Movie Rentals
Movie theaters have Free movie days
Free trips to the water park
Discounted hotel rooms allow for a fun weekend at the beach
Visiting the lake is always free
Our most favorite place in the world Blue Canyon, is completly free
Coupons online allow for me to buy their favorite snacks such as gogart, ice cream, and candy
and, my most favorite one of all.......I have a mother that loves to spend money on my kids!!!!!
(this is the short list of all of the amazing things the Lord provided, and Summer is not over.....)
So, the moral of my story is Trust and Obey! For there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey!