This weekend we are going camping. One of our families favorite things to do. We have a very secret place we love to go. In fact, we haven't camped anywhere else in the 8 years we have been a family unit. I couldn't imagine pitching my tent anywhere else.
This morning I have been preparing for the trip. The first thing I do when I prepare for a camping trip is print out the "Camping List".
This list has everything one would need out in the wilderness. EVERYTHING!!!
I scanned through my list as I do every time I print it. I cross off certain things we might not need on any particular trip such as the fishing poles, or 4 cots instead of 6 cots.....and as I read through the list today I started laughing.
The list in in alphabetical order, and some of the items that are listed next to one another read pretty funny: Tongs next to toilet paper, Ax next to air mattress. It just makes me laugh.
I thought I'd share my list for your entertainment, or for your use, enjoy........
Camping List
o Air pump
o Air mattress
o Ax
o Baggies
o Batteries
o Bee-bee guns
o Blankets
o Camp table
o Can opener
o Card table
o Citronella candle
o Coffee maker
o Cook set
o Cooking spoons
o Cups
o Dish soap
o Dust pan
o Fingernail clippers
o First aid kit
o Fishing pole
o Flash lights
o Foil
o Garbage bags
o Hair brush
o Hot plates
o Knives
o Lanterns
o Lawn chairs
o Lintels
o Lotion
o Matches
o Measuring cups
o Mirror
o Napkins
o Off
o Pans
o Picnic table
o Pillows
o Pitcher
o Plates
o Pocket knives
o Pots
o Propane
o Rags
o Rake
o Razor
o Rope
o Rubber mallet
o Scrubbers
o Shampoo and conditioner
o Shovel
o Silverware
o Sleeping bags
o Smokey Joe
o Soap
o Stove
o Sunscreen
o Table cloth
o Tackle box
o Tarps
o Tents
o Toaster
o Toilet paper
o Tongs
o Toothbrush
o Toothpaste
o Towels
o Wash rags
o Bacon
o Barbecue sauce
o Beans
o Beer
o Bread
o Butter
o Buns
o Cheese
o Chicken
o Chili
o Chips
o Chocolate
o Coffee
o Creamer
o Eggs
o Grahams
o Hotdogs
o Ice
o Jelly
o Juice
o Ketchup
o Marshmallows
o Mashed potatoes
o Mayo
o Relish
o Snacks
o Tortillas
o Sugar
o Veggies
o Water