Wow, it's been a while since I've been here! Either I've been really busy, or I just haven't had anything to write about. I can't decide. But today was definitely blog worthy!
Today I had to go to work. But I would classify this day at work as the best ever. Mia's Kindergarten class took a field trip to Terranova Ranch. It was so great. My boss, Don, did such a wonderful job explaining the different crop's to the kids, and adults. (Of course us adults wanted to learn too!) Don was very patient, and answered any silly question that the kids might have. We drove to different tomato fields, carrot, onion, and garlic fields. Don picked some carrots for the kids to have with their lunch, and he picked some onion and garlic just to smell. Whew.......they stunk! We also stopped by the prunes where the kids were able to eat a prune, and we went to the organic walnut trees. The kids were so good! There was even a bonus on the trip. In the middle of one of the dirt roads there was a snake. That was a thrill for the boys! Below are some really great pictures of the kids and some of the things we did. There are many more pictures on my facebook account.
Mia and Alyssa posing as far away from the snake as possible.
Check out the other kids in the background, they are so silly.
Don and the kids at the Prunes.
My silly Mia!
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