As I drove home from Costco today with all of these pictures in the back seat of my van I felt like I had some top secret treasure with me. The worst part of all of it was that when I got home and looked through all of them (a two hour long look through) I felt like something was missing. I went through all of the cd's and memory sticks that I have. Of course, I found two cd's that were totally over looked. Not surprising! Rich and I went delirious in Costco uploading all 2280 plus pictures.
People were pretty angry when the photo lady told them that their pictures wouldn't be ready in one hour, or even that day. She even pointed me out, and said it was because I was making a big order. How rude!
But all the dirty looks were totally worth it!
The fun part will be putting them all in chronological order, then in photo albums!
Here are some blasts from my past...........

Were these digital or reg film? I so wanna do this so I can scrapbook them. How much did something like this run?