Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mission Statement

Tonight in class an assignment was given to us. I totally misunderstood the assignment. What's new! We were to write a mission statement. I thought I could write a generic mission statement, but nope. It was for this particular organization. But.......I began to write one for my family. Half way through the assignment I was corrected. FORGET IT! My family is much more important.

The teacher gave us a worksheet to use as a guideline. There were 3 questions.
1. Achievement. List all the things that you feel are important to have.
2. Accomplishments. List the things that the organization has done.
3. Legacy. Think of an organization that has been successful, and why?

Achievements that are important to have in our family:
  • Unity
  • Love
  • Safety
  • Closeness
  • Honesty
  • Care
  • Laughter

Accomplishments that we as a family have:
  • become a family
  • support one another
  • feel safe at home
  • help one another when in need


  • Intimacy
  • Unity
  • Unconditional love

So after jotting all of these down, I did some brain storming. I chose the most important, and the most reachable for our family, and this is what I came up with:

Our family will encourage one another to become united, honest, and love each other through the unconditional love that we have for one another. We will be sure to laugh together, support one another and create a bond that cannot be broken. And, all of this will be done through Jesus Christ, our savior and one true God.

I still have to run it by the fam, I'm sure the response won't be what I'm looking for. But, I think......no I know this will be something important for our family. Who knows.....maybe I'll make the family memorize it!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful message. I enjoy your blog because you remind me of Jesus.
