It was so much fun looking at the pictures.
There is one camera from Shannon before he met Me. I laughed so hard when I saw the pictures of his kids then. They were definitely "single Dad" kids. Linsey's hair was all pulled back slick tight in a pony tail. She was wearing a dress with Whinnie the Pooh boy tennis shoes. He said "They were for comfort". Poor little girl.
Another Camera was from a beach trip I took Rich and Mia on in 2004. It was so neat to remember how much fun we had playing in the sand all day. As I looked through the pictures I remembered that I didn't put any sunblock on any of us. Shannon was so mad at me because had to nurse us all back from horrible sunburns for the next week. He kept telling me we were going to get skin cancer. What can I say, I was a new mom! (Kinda)
Another great group of pictures was from Shannon's 31st Birthday party. This was when his brother Jason was staying with us. The kids and I went to the Dollar tree and I basically let the kids get whatever they wanted. We picked out decorations and allot of "gifts/junk" for their Dad. We locked him in the bedroom before dinner that night. I made his favorite dinner, and baked a cake while Uncle Jason and the kids decorated. When we allowed Shannon to come to dinner the kids surprised him with confetti and streamers. It was a blast!
My favorite group of pictures to look through were the 2004 Easter pics. The kids were so young and playful. Mia still drank from a bottle at nap time, and Linsey still needed me to dress her. The boys looked to me for help, and wanted to show me everything!
It was so amazing to remember all of this while I was looking through the pictures because, just the other day I was getting really sad about how I was forgetting what the kids were like when they were young. I tried so hard to remember what Mia looked like, what she sounded like, and what did it feel like to hold her. I couldn't for the life of me remember what Richie's face looked like without the peach fuzzy mustache he has now. I wanted to remember doing Linsey's hair, and how her hair felt as I brushed it. Codi was always asking Shannon for help with things and now he never needs us. I was getting really upset at myself for forgetting all of this.
When I opened this group of Easter pictures all of the memories came flooding back to me. There is one picture of Mia holding her bottle, with her "sleepy eyes" and all of a sudden I remembered how she smelled, I remember how her round plump little body felt to pick up. I remembered how she sounded when she said "huwh"! I felt so grateful to have these pictures.
Everybody says family pictures are priceless, and I truly feel that way. Nothing could ever give me the feelings that these pictures give me. No words could describe how special these pictures are to me now.
I can't wait to get the 1805 other pictures I will have waiting for me at Costco tomorrow!!!
I didn't mention that I also spent an hour and a half standing in front of the photo kiosk (sp?) uploading every picture that has ever been taken in this family.
Happy Mothers Day to Me!!
(Please excuse any mispelled words. I am bawling as I am writing this, and I can't see very well)
Below are some samples from my day........

This is Linsey at age 1. Notice the shoes. I think Shannon should get an award for the hair-do!
This is a picture from the beach trip that I took Rich and Mia on.
Happy Birthday Shannon!
Notice the crown that we made him wear.
What a good sport he was!!!
This is a picture of the kids on Easter, 2004. So little!!!
And this picture brought tears to my eyes.
This is the picture that brought back all of the memories.
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